Kicthenware > Lunch box >

  • F10 Lunch box in bamboo fibre
  • F10 Lunch box in bamboo fibre
  • F10 Lunch box in bamboo fibre
  • F10 Lunch box in bamboo fibre
  • F10 Lunch box in bamboo fibre
  • F10 Lunch box in bamboo fibre
  • F10 Lunch box in bamboo fibre
  • F10 Lunch box in bamboo fibre
F10 Lunch box in bamboo fibre F10 Lunch box in bamboo fibre F10 Lunch box in bamboo fibre F10 Lunch box in bamboo fibre F10 Lunch box in bamboo fibre F10 Lunch box in bamboo fibre F10 Lunch box in bamboo fibre F10 Lunch box in bamboo fibre

F10 Lunch box in bamboo fibre

  • Lunch box made of 50% bamboo fibre and 50% PP with 1 compartment 
  • and 1 fork and knife. Including elastic band to fix cutlery.

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